
Dominic Hagel

AIA | Architect

Northwest Technical Institute Associate of Applied Science of Architectural Drafting and Design Technology

In high school, Dominic took a technical drafting class in which he explored the world of architecture. Using a T square, eraser shields, and other hand drafting tools finally gave him the satisfaction of expressing his creative side he has been looking to explain his whole life. In college he found hand drafting to be obsolete, and CAD was the new thing. Learning the CAD programs in school made him learn that there are ways to make things better.

Most of all, Dominic is interested in exploring efficient workflows while working smarter, not harder.

As an outdoors guy, Dominic would rather be in the sunshine, playing sports, or camping than inside playing video games. Some of his favorites sport includes: Baseball, Football, and Wrestling. One of his favorite professional teams is the Minnesota Twins. Other than watching the Twins, he also enjoys exploring the stadiums. Something on Dominic's bucket list is to see a Twins game in every baseball stadium in the MLB, and while he's there he will also be taking a tour of the stadium.